Eine multisensuale Pflanzenwelt lädt ein zur Entdeckung und Erforschung von Klängen und musikalischer Kreation. Das Projekt ist eine Produktion der Ectoplastic UG (haftungsbeschränkt) unter der Beteiligung von Stephan Kloß, Jakob Gruhl, Elisabeth Reiche, Marc-André Weibezahn und Jan Lorenz. Das Projekt erhält eine Zuwendung zur Förderung von Projekten zur Gestaltung des digitalen Wandels in Sachsen-Anhalt, Sachsen-Anhalt -DIGITAL CREATIVITY. Projektbeginn ist der …
Mazetools Mutant Release (23. Mar 2020)
Happy to announce the release of our second Mazetools app: Mutant – Multiperspective Music. Mutant is a space to experiment with sound and explore music from different perspectives. It’s available for iOS, Android and Windows (Steam).
Workshop @ WISP Leipzig (10. Dec 2019)
Wisp Kollektiv and Mazetools organized together a two days workshop program in the field of 3D Audio, VVVV, generative audio in Unity and the development of Mazetools. Special thanks to the Kulturamt der Stadt Leipzig, who supported this event.
Presentation @ DOK Interactive Conference Day, Leipzig (31. Oct 2019)
Presenting Mazetools Mutant prototype at Dok Fest Leipzig, meeting nice people and have interesting conversation till the night. Special thanks to Lars Rummel and Brigid O’Shea. See you next year again!
Presentation @ Generation Z als ChangeMaker, Magdeburg (18. Oct 2019)
The network for social innovation invited us for an artistic Intervention. Afterwards we reported on the Idea to the implementation of Mazetools. This was followed by a short workshop and all guests were invited to try the tool. More information at Kompetenzzentrum Soziale Innovation Sachsen-Anhalt.
Acoustic Stories Award at Sound Cinema Düsseldorf (5. April 2019)
Yesterday our interactive radioplay „OMYK – A SPACE ODYSSEY“ has been awarded in the cathegory „Acoustic Stories“ at Sound Cinema Düsseldorf. We created it using Mazetools Soniface and Kinect motion tracking. Thank you for this awesome award and this wonderful evening!
Presenting Mazetools at IRCAM Forum in Paris (29. March 2019)
After 5 years we came back to the Ircam institute and had the plesure to talk about our latest motion tracking developments in Soniface. We had the pleasure to meet the head of Gestruments Jesper Nordin as well as David Glück with his experimental 20 cubes project.
Mazetools Soniface 2.0 release (28. March 2019)
After a long time we’re very happy to announce the 2.0 update! Beside huge improvements and new functions, it contains the possibility to combine motion capture technology ty synthesizers, drums, samples and effects. Another great feature is the new Visual Interface to connect at least 3 projectors with different channels (if your hardware allows). Further the Sound, Sampler and the …
Motion tracking presentation & performance at FIK festival Ústí nad Labem, Czech (17. November 2018)
Presentation of the motion tracking features of the upcoming version Mazetools Soniface 2.x update. Stephan Kloss did show some basics, how to connect parameters of music and sound to body movements.
App2Music workshops – ready for school! (7. November 2018)
In cooperation with the association App2Music Germany, the Heinrich Heine School and the theater Halle Jakob Gruhl is doing workshops which focus on music apps. The children will be introduced to make sounds, rhythms and music with mobile devices as well as recording methods. The main topic is about mobbing and the affect of social media to the human relations …